Please contact 111 for immediate danger or 0800 50 50 50 for the Waikato Crisis Team

Online Library

Welcome to our Online Library!

Here, you will find a carefully curated collection of documents that we believe will be immensely valuable to you. Our team continuously searches for relevant and impactful resources, and we are committed to regularly updating this page with new additions.

We understand the importance of having access to comprehensive and up-to-date information, and our Resource Library aims to provide just that. Whether you are seeking articles, guides, or other relevant materials, we have gathered them here for your convenience.

Feel free to explore the diverse range of resources available, and check back frequently for updates. We are dedicated to ensuring that this page remains a valuable source of information to support your journey towards mental wellness and suicide prevention.

Start exploring the wealth of knowledge within our Resource Library and empower yourself with the tools you need to make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.

Together, we can create a community that embraces mental wellness and fosters support for all.

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