Please contact 111 for immediate danger or 0800 50 50 50 for the Waikato Crisis Team


The following websites provide access to information, tools, and other resources relevant to all mental health challenges.
If there are websites that you use that is not in the list below please feel free to let us know. Email

Mental Health Foundation – The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charity that works towards creating a society free of discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental wellbeing. Their aim is “…to influence individuals, whānau, organisations and communities to improve and sustain their mental health and reach their full potential.” Provides current information, resources, and information on where help can be accessed.

Movember - Men’s health is in crisis. Men are dying on average 5 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons. A growing number of men – around 10.8M globally – are facing life with a prostate cancer diagnosis. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 69% of all suicides. Movember is uniquely placed to address this crisis on a global scale. We fund groundbreaking projects all over the world, engaging men where they are to understand what works best and accelerate change.

Healthify, Te Puna Waiora - a very informative website that provides resources and guides where help can be accessed. Provides understanding and education through visual aids, including videos.

Te Whatu Ora - Te Hiringa Hauora Health Promotion Agency (described as the unrelenting pursuit of wellbeing) is an evidence-based health promotion organisation influencing all sectors that contribute to health and wellbeing. They aim to promote health and wellbeing for all communities. They have several campaigns such as Likeminds and

Ethnic communities - The Office of Ethnic Communities provides a community directory of ethnic support groups on their website

Healthpoint - Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about health providers and services offered by region

The Ministry of Health - MoH provides information relating to mental health challenges and mental health crises - type 'mental health' in their system

LeVa - LeVa supports Pasifika families and communities to unleash their full potential and have the the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes. They work alongside services and people who deliver mental health, addiction, suicide prevention and general health and wellbeing services

Beyond Blue - Beyond Blue works to address issues associated with a variety of mental health challenges. They have an extensive catalogue of resources for people who experience mental health challenges

Reach Out - Reach out provides sel-help information, a peer-support programme and referral tools helping young people be well and stay well. Everything they provide is based on the latest evidence and is designed with experts, and young people or their parents

Strengthening Families NZ - Strengthening Families NZ has a network of branches throughout the country that provide information, education, support and training to the whānau/family of people experiencing mental health challenges

Yellow Brick Road - Yellow Brick Road has a network of branches throughout the country that provide information, education, support and training to the whānau/families of people experiencing mental health challenges

Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support - MHAPS is a free and confidential for anyone experiencing mental distress and/or addiction

Rural Change - Suicide in Rural New Zealand is higher than any other demographic having lasting ripple effect through a community - especially with our young people, who are often the largest statistic

Small steps - The Small Steps website is a place where people of Aotearoa can take small steps on their journey to improve wellbeing 

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